
I made some quicktime movies (below) of me explaining how things work. (Don't worry, you only hear my voice as I draw on the diagrams.)
  • First is a two-part movie (about 12 min total; 9M) on how hybrid cryptography works - this is what makes e-commerce possible (!) - something cool to know and not too hard to understand. Explain it to your mom! (ctrypo1, crypto2)
  • Next is a movie (9 min; 1.9M) on how to do basic cost/benefit analysis (cba) for a control you might consider applying to address a couple of vulnerabilities. Gets you thinking about the tradeoffs involved and making smart decisions.
  • Last is a 5-part series (about 37min total, 30M) explaining a simple firewall rule example from the 118c text (2nd ed). (you don't need the text - the example's included in the vid). the whole thing is around 37 minutes long. Gives you the basic idea of how firewalls block bad traffic - but you have to manage rules carefully to let the safe traffic pass through or your phone will start ringing very soon! (fwall1, fwall2, fwall3, fwall4, fwall5)
Get yourself some popcorn and M&M's...